Doug Jones
We have an unusual policy at Mortgage Magic. We require everyone; employees and independent contractors to do some type of community service work.When we opened the doors in 1990 it just seemed to make sense to get involved with the community. We did not realize all of the blessings that would flow our way because of this decision.
Almost immediately we were recognized by the San Jose Chamber of Commerce and awarded the Comminity Excellence Award. Along with a plaque came $20,000 for local TV advertising. Then the Salvation Army awarded us with their Golden Kettle Award. We were the first small company to win the award. Past winners had been IBM, General Motors, Hewlett Packard, and the San Jose Mercury News; all large organizations.
We have worked with perhaps 100 local charities and non-profits. We even have a balloon tieing team and a face painting team that will help with local events where kids are involved. I am a magician and have done hundreds of free shows in the bay area for churches, schools and non-profits. I even swam from Alcatraz to San Francisco and raised money for a local charity.
We are rewarded many times over with recognition. But, you know what? The joy is so great that if no one ever knew what we have done, we would still do it. Helping is fun and rewarding. The feelings of joy and happiness is a great stress reliever and a great reward.
I recommend you contact a charity that seems to fit with your interest and personality and go do some acts of kindness. You will be so much happier if you do. If you are unsure about how to start you can join a local service club such as Rotary, Kiwanis, Optimist or the Lions. These clubs and clubs like them all do wonderful community work.
Going back to the first paragraph. What has it done for our company? We are really family and in an industry with a lot of turn over, we seem to be immune. We opened in 1990 and all of the first employees are still with the company. I think because we require community service work we attract people with high integrity and values.